Your Vision on a Board

A Simple Tool, but can bring a drastic impact on your life. How??? Let me help you with that.

First comes the question. What is a Vision Board??

Well, "Vision Board" or "Dream Board" as it sounds, is you, setting a vision or dream in front of you, out of your imagination into the Real World. So, instead of imagining or dreaming about your Goals, you visualize them.

In my last blog "The Year 2020 For Your Success", I talked about the Success you can achieve when you have a plan for it. A resolution to follow with a Go-Getter attitude. But, now I will be talking about the "Tool" you can use to visualize what you want to be, have and do in your life. It reminds you of your Desires each and every day, to Subconsciously get the feeling to be what you want, do what you want and have what you want to have.

And I would say... It's very powerful.

The Reason???

The main reason is, as we can say is The Law of Attraction. Your mind is a thinking energy ball, which attracts what it feels. If you feel happy, it brings more Happiness, if you feel Sad, it brings more sorrow. So, when talking about this "Law", we are talking about something serious. Coz, we will use this for our advantage as "The Tool".

So, in short, it is "YOU" for your Future, the one you want to be.

Now, you know what is a Vision Board and How it will help you. Wanna give it a Try??? I'll teach you how to make one. Just follow the steps below,

1. Sit Quitely and List down you Goals

When you write down your goals, you visualize what you want your future to be. The type of person you want to be. The people you want to be around. Your Career, Love Life, Mission, The car you want to Buy, the house you want to live in, and the list goes on. Think and Create a list to help you with the next step.

2. Gather what you need

Get some magazine, cutouts, quotes, phrases, words, anything that can represent your Goal. The Goal can be a small one or a Big one, include both. Then comes the board where you need to stick these cutouts. You can use Glues, pins anything you are comfortable with.

3. Bring everything Together

Now spread all the cutouts representing your Goals from the magazine and other sources and pick the most relevant one you can find to your Goals. You don't need to clutter the board with lots of ideas, just have the important one to focus on.

4. Display

Arrange the cutouts as you like and as it builds, its magic starts working, as the thing you will be doing is Fun. The first step itself is a Positive vibe. When you are happy with the layout. Start Sticking.

Now, as you are done, place it somewhere you can see it, not in some corner, as this won't work that way. It may not be perfect, but, it's really very powerful even if it is a simple one.

Some Pro Tips:

  • You can use images and texts from the Internet, Social Media, etc.
  • Place the Board where you can see it before you go to bed, as the Subconscious Mind mostly Visualize the last thing we see Before we Sleep.
  • Don't Compare your vision board with others, they are all equal in their power.
  • Last but not least and most important: Have a Happy Pic of you in the Middle of the Board to Visualize a Happy You. Goals are Important, but Your Happiness is More Important.
  • The Image in this Post is My Own Vision Board Related to My Career, not so beautiful, but, as I said... It's very Powerful