Tips for Better SEO
A Website is an essential part of the Online game to make you visible to the world around you. This is the time where a need for an online presence is crutial, specially if you are a Business looking for Growth.
And for a Succcessful Website, it needs to be found by the users in need and the one who are looking for you.
This is where SEO comes into the Equation.
SEO stand for Search Engine Optimization, which means one can Optimize the content of the website to help search engines find and connect you to the user searching on their Search Engines.
SEO is a complicated process, as the Logic and Algorithms changes over time, but the Basics remains same. Here we are going to Dicuss about that Basic Principles to Follow for your SEO needs.
1. Page Speed
The most important aspect of SEO is the time the Website takes to Load a Page, the less the load time the more chances to get featured on the Top list of the Search Results. Should be below 3 seconds, but the lower the better.
2. URL
The next important part is the URL which should be Short and Simple. As per my Experience, If a non technological person can read and Understand the URL relating to its Content, its the Best. Use hyphens ( - ), in place of underscores ( _ ) as it helps break individual words for better Search Query.
Why Better?
Short and Understandable, Link Defines the Content Itself, No Unwanted Words such as (page, category, subcategory, title)
Keep the URL length Around 60 - 70 characters
Remove Unwanted Words
Use less Parameters
User Human Readable Parameters
Prevent / Remove Broken links
3. Title
Title Tag Defines what is the Content is About, the Search Engine displays the Title and Description on the Search Page List. The better and Relevant the Title, the better chances user visit the Website or the Page. Try using less than 50-60 characters as the rest will be Truncated (Hidden) in the Listing by the Search Engines
4. Description
Also known as Meta Description, It can be a Short Brief about the Website and / or its Contents. Best to keep it around 150 - 160 Characters for Better SEO.
5. Keywords
Keywords nowadays help with SEO if used correctly, it is Important, but not as much an Important factor. The main reason being the changing algorithms and Search Engine Logic. So a need to constant search for new and better keyword is required for Better Marketing
6. Images Tags
If you want your Images to be visible in the Search Results, Image SEO is an important factor. The Best Practice is using a Good Quality Image, and an 'alt' tag defining what the Image is about. Its that Simple.
7. Sitemap
Now, you are done with the SEO URL, titles, description and everything else... Now what?
The next thing is to let the Search Engines know about the Pages your Website serve. And the best way is to submit Sitemap to the Search Engines after a month or two, depending on the changes in the number of your Page. If you have a Static Website, Submitting the Sitemap once is All Good, and if the website is Dynamic, you can submit the Sitemap after updating the new Links.
These are the Basic things to remember for SEO. There are many other advance things that can be done for the SEO, specially for Online Marketing, but may be not covered here as we are here to Discuss only the Basic SEo that every Website must follow.